Hi There,
Well well... There's a new bitch in Stardoll. She's not famous at all. But her username is paulli12. And she copyed my old presentation, what is full of my MeDoll pics, and more about me. There was other girl too who copyed my presentation, but she changed it without fighting. But this girl... Oh no, she's a huge bitch... To see "her presentation" go to this link:
And here's 2 messages that she sent me:
"i dont care what u said you can said everyone if u want but i dont go to take out MY presentation laff,laff jajajajjajajajaja"
I answered something like that "If you think that copying is so cool, then just leave me alone".
Then she sent:
"yees is so cool jajjajajjajajaja i wiin :P"
Then I answered "Smell sh*t"
So, what do you think? Is she bitch or not? Do not be her friend or anything!
yeh she is a bitch